Laying the wreath

Airman 1st Class Killian Gartner and Gabriel Gonzalez-Marrero, Rescue Reservists from the 308th Rescue Squadron, lay the wreath in front of the Khobar Tower Memorial here. Rescue Wing members honored five Rescue Airmen and 14 other Airmen killed on June 25, 1996. In all, 19 U.S. servicemen and one Saudi were killed and 372 of many nationalities were wounded. The 920th RQW is an Air Force Reserve combat-search-and-rescue unit comprised of 1,700 Airmen and flies both fixed and rotor wing aircraft. (U.S. Air Force photo/2nd Lt. Leslie Forshaw)

PHOTO BY: Unknown
VIRIN: 130625-F-IE614-001.JPG
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