ASTS Airman provides award winning medical, community service Published March 4, 2006 By Master Sgt. Raymond Padgett 920th RQW Public Affairs PATRICK AFB, Fla. -- Master Sgt. Angela J. Woods from the 920th Aeromedical Staging Squadron was selected as the winner of the Brigadier General Sarah P. Wells Outstanding Medical Health Services Management Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Year for 2005. The award, named after former chief of the Air Force Nurse Corps Brigadier General Wells, recognizes outstanding contributions by unit personnel in support of the aeromedical mission. Sergeant Woods, a health services craftsman, provided superior support during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom where she coordinated over 300 aeromedical evacuations directing the movement of approximately 5600 patients, including 264 that were critically wounded. "Sergeant Woods is an invaluable part of the unit; the main cog in our wheel," said Maj. Tony Richardson, the 920th ASTS unit administrator who submitted Sergeant Woods for the award. "Without her we might get by, but we would not excel the way we have this year," he said. In addition to orchestrating the 920th Rescue Wing's Operation Readiness Exercise medical mobility processing line, Sergeant Woods also served as a key member of the exercise evaluation team and oversaw the medical readiness requirements of the 200 members of her unit. Sergeant Wood's dedication also included spearheading a community food drive that collected more than 70,000 pounds of canned goods, teaching preventative health medicine in the local community, coaching a local youth basketball team and serving as her unit's Combined Federal Campaign representative. "She always volunteers to do this, do that," said Major Richardson about Sergeant Wood's volunteer efforts. "Any issue that brings tears to your eyes, that's the type person she is. She cares," he said.