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  • Changes to TSP coming in December

    The traditional login method, with a member’s username/account number and password, is enhanced by adding a one-time verification code members receive through email and/or text message each time the account is accessed.

  • HC-130 Pilot Follows Parents Legacy

    Air Force Reserve pilot 1st. Lt. Nash Blackwelder grew up hearing his father talk about how great it was to fly onboard Air Force C-130 aircraft.“Growing up hearing those stories, I knew I wanted to do the same,” said Blackwelder.His ties to the airframe go back a generation when both of his parents

  • June History Minute

    The 920th Rescue Wing, previously called the 301st Air Rescue and Recovery Squadron flew a humanitarian mission to MEDEVAC a premature infant in need of emergency medical care to a hospital in Georgia at the direction of the White House on June 28, 1981. The unit was ready to provide support before