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  • Air Force extends high year of tenure for E-4s through E-6s

    The Air Force is extending the high year of tenure for senior airmen through technical sergeants beginning Feb. 1, 2019.The memo, signed Oct. 18, 2018, extends the high year of tenure from eight to 10 years for senior airmen, from 15 to 20 years for staff sergeants and from 20 to 22 years for

  • Air Force to finalize review process for non-deployable Airmen

    The Air Force is finalizing details on how it will implement Department of Defense Instruction 1332.45, Retention Determination for Non-Deployable Service Members.Until the updated policy guidance is complete in late 2018, Airmen who have been non-deployable for 12 consecutive months and their

  • Air Force announces enlisted PME redesign

    Air Force officials announced major changes to the enlisted professional military education program today via an initiative called Enlisted Professional Military Education for the 21st Century, or “EPME 21.”