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  • Spouses take flight

    Historically, when the Air Force Reserve's 920th Rescue Wing here launches its HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters and HC-130P/N King refueling planes, the people on board are wearing an Air Force uniform. It was not the case here March 6 when the spouses of those wearing the uniform got a lift on 920th

  • Heart Link provides spouses with critical information

    When a man or woman signs up to join the military, they take an oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Sometimes, that oath gets called into play when an Airmen deploys. Then, their spouse who didn't sign up for a military commitment, suddenly is

  • Flying the fleet trains Airmen, brings pride

    Click here to view slideshowAirmen from the Air Force Reserve's 920th Rescue Wing here stepped up to the challenge from their commander, Col. Robert Dunn, who had them launch the wing's entire fleet of aircraft March 6 during their drill training weekend. The mission simulated a mass hurricane

  • Kindergartners learn about aircraft, astronauts, airmen

    Who do we rescue?This question was posed to approximately 80 kindergartnerw from a nearby Space Coast elementary school who took a field trip here Feb. 25. Their answer, "us," summed it up perfectly during the visit to the 920th Rescue Wing.The day after Space Shuttle Discovery's last lift off,

  • Aircraft maintenance makes impact on manned spaceflight

    Airmen have long been considered guardians of the astronauts as they've gone to their aid since manned spaceflight began.As early as May 24, 1962, on record, two pararescuemen, Staff Sergeant Ray E. McClure and Airman First Class John F. Heitsch , jumped from an Air Sea Rescue SC-54 aircraft and

  • Air Force Reserve Rescuers support historic launch

    The U.S. Air Force Reserve's 920th Rescue Wing at nearby Patrick Air Force provided flawless rescue and Eastern Range support for NASA's successful launch of the final scheduled flight of Space Shuttle Discovery February 24. The launch occurred at 4:50 p.m. (EDT) from Space Launch Complex 39A at

  • Winter Wingman Day unites Airman of all ranks

    Airmen from the 920th Rescue Wing came together Feb. 13 for a briefing and team-building exercises here to learn about resiliency and discuss how to be better wingmen in honor of Winter Wingman Day 2011. The purpose of Winter Wingman Day 2011 was to reinforce the wingman concept as a foundation to

  • All eyes on Africa

    Whether it's filling out a new glasses prescription, or preparing gas mask inserts for a deploying Airmen, Technical Sgt. David Hauser, optometry technician for the 920th Aeromedical Staging Squadron (ASTS) here, never has a quiet day.A former active duty Airmen, Sergeant Hauser transferred over six

  • Past heroics find new life in documentary

    As training goes full throttle here for future deployments, the past heroics of the Air Force Reserve Combat-Search-and Rescue (CSAR) Airmen continue to be featured in a documentary titled, "The Taliban Gambit," which will air on the Smithsonian Channel throughout March 2011. The premise of the

  • Rescue Airmen respond to helicopter crash

    Air Force Reservists from the 943rd Rescue Group here responded to an Arizona Sheriff's Department helicopter crash in a rugged valley northwest of Tucson Monday. There were four people on board, three were injured, one died at the scene. Two were able to escape, while the other two were "trapped"