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  • Guardian Angels protect astronauts on historic launch

    To view the photo slide show associated with this story, please follow this link: Click here.Along with estimated crowds of tens of thousands of spectators on Florida's Space Coast, Senator Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz, kept a watchful eye as her husband, Commander Mark Kelly, and his crew as they

  • Reservists save millions of dollars with a few steps

    Reservists from the 920th Rescue Wing Maintenance Group are charged with not only maintaining life-saving aircraft here, but also saving millions of dollars in equipment damage with a few simple steps. Several times a week, as the sun rises over the Atlantic Ocean, which is about a stone's throw

  • Team Rescue gives life to cyberspace training

    Standing five-feet-five-inches tall, a small-framed female Airman, Tech. Sgt. Rhonda Danyus, stood in line waiting to go up against a human weapons system - six-foot-tall, 200 lb., Master Sergeant Jon Grant, in a hand-to-hand combat duel.Built like an NFL linebacker, Sergeant Grant, a combat

  • Air Force Reservists have their eye on the future as they clear the range

    While many people are gearing up to celebrate Mother's Day tomorrow, the 920th Rescue Wing Airmen here were all business today securing the Eastern Range prior to the launch of an Atlas V rocket whose payload will more than pay off for these Rescue Reservists. Air Force Reserve helicopter,

  • Team Rescue counts down for historic space shuttle launch

    U.S. President Barack Obama and Senator Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., are among the spectators who will be at the historic launch of Endeavour April 29, marking the second to last time a space shuttle will leave Earth for space at nearby Kennedy Space Center.Airmen from the Air Force Reserve's 920th

  • Monster Mash builds never-quit attitude in Special Ops Airmen

    A swim competition across a river and a foot race against traffic was just another training day for Air Force Reserve Special Operations Airmen here April 21.While training is the bread and butter for these pararescuemen and combat rescue officers, an elite personal recovery team charged with combat

  • Sugar, spice, and everything...gun-metal gray?

    Editor's note: This story is the first part in a three-part series called, Women Armed for Combat Roles.All-male career fields in the Air Force have shrunk down to only a handful which include special operators such as combat rescue officers (CRO), combat controllers, tactical air control

  • Teammate, best friend remembers fallen Airmen

    Air Force Reserve search and rescue professionals from the 920th Rescue Wing here train in and around Patrick Air Force Base's lush maritime surroundings regularly to be the best and uphold their motto, these things we do, that others may live . Two drop zones which come into regular use by them for

  • Mothers, daughters find adventure at Patrick Air Force Base

    A bond between a mother and daughter starts before her daughter's eyes see light. This bond was made stronger when a group of adventurous girls visited the Air Force Reserve's 920th Rescue Wing here to learn about its mission of saving lives.The group is part of the Space Coast Expedition: Adventure

  • Air Force Reserve pararescue squadron goes high-tech with sonar training

    Airmen and a civilian from the 308th Rescue Squadron here dove into some high-tech sonar training March 21-25 at the Florida State University campus in Panama City, Fla.Master Sgt. Christopher Seinkner and Staff Sgt. Daniel Warren, pararescuemen from the 308th RQS, and Mr. Barry Burgess, the master